葡萄藤属于葡萄属(Vitis).葡萄属含有60多个种类。但是我们只研究欧亚葡萄( Vitis vinifera)-来自北纬 30 °C到50°C之间的中东和欧洲大陆的源生品种。欧亚葡萄在葡萄酒产业中占据着主导地位,也被称为“酿酒葡萄”。
Grapevines belong to the genus Vitis.There are over 60 grape species in the Vitis genus.
But our attention will be focused on only one-a species native to the Middle East and Europe between rouehly h30th and 50th parallets and known as Vitis vinifera.
So dominant is Vitis vinifera in the wine industry that it is often referred to as "the wine-bearing grape."
在南北纬30°C到50° C之间。理想的温带气候使得葡萄藤能够生长和繁衍。气候是葡萄生长过程中最重要的自然因素,是长期天气特征的平均状态。
我们将着重了解三种葡萄生长的区域最为重要的 大气候:海洋性气候、大陆性气候和地中海气候。
海洋性气候(Maritime)的特征是极其靠近大面积水域(例如海洋、河和内海)。著名的海洋性气候产区又欧洲西海岸,如波多尔(Bordeaux)和下海湾(Rias Baixas)
Between 30th and 50th parallels, grapevines find the ideal temperate climate that allow them to grow and reproduce.
Climate is the most important environmental fator in grape growing, and it‘s a series of long-term averages.
The type of vitivultural practices that will be used,and ultimately what styles of wine might reasonaably expect to be produced.
We will be concerned with the three most important macroclimates that exist where grapes for wine are grown: Maritime, Continental,and Mediterranean.
Maritime climates are characterized by their close proximity to large bodies of water(such as oceans,estuaries and inland seas.)
Famous regions with Martitme influences include western European coastal areas like Bordeaux and Rias Baixas.
Exampples of regions with Continental climates includee French regions like Burgundy and Champagne and all of the central European regions of countries like Germany,Austria,and Hungary.
While ir might make sense that Mediterranean climates would exclusively refer to areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea,the climates type associated with this area is found all over the world.Wine regions with Mediterranean climates are characterized by a long growing season of moderate to warm temperatures.
Soil in its most basic form is a mixture of minerals, organic matter and micre-organisms.It is a medium to plant growth ,water storage , and drainage. The soil can retain heat, reflect heat, drain excess moisture or retain it. Soli ultimately supplies the grapevine with the mineral nutrients it needs to survive The Choice of soil for planting affects the total vine.
Crapevines are adaptable to most well-drained soli,and particularly to loose-textured.Infertile soli they have extensive root systemsthat dig deep into the ground, helping them to grow in areas where other crops wouldn’t be able to survive.Wetter ,more compact and fertile solis encourage vines to grow plenty of shoots and leaves,but also tend to take the vine’s focus away from its berries.
Historically certain grape varieties have beenassociated with specific soli types. Limestone,granite chalk,slate,and clay solis are all associated with some of the Old WWorld. Nomatter the name of the soil, they all share the asme basic characteristics-good drainage, loose texture,deepp,and fairly low in nutrients.
Like climate and soil, topography has a large impact on the grapevine.
Slopes (both the grade and the directiont),lakes,rivers,altitude-all of these, you may remenber, there are influences on mesoclimate and on the way grapes grow in a particular place.