写经验 领红包
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On 开头

on fire着火,失火

on foot步行,徒步

on guard站岗,提防

on holiday在度假,在休假

on one's own独立地,独自

on one' s way home在某人回家的路上

on one' s way to.在某人去的路上

on the way to.在去的路上

on purpose故意

on sale出售,减价

初中英语常考介词短语(初中常用英语介词短语)At 开头

at one time以前,曾经

at the same time同时

at times有时,时不时

at birth出生

at breakfast早餐时

at lunch午餐时

at dinner/ supper晚餐时

at college在大学

at home在家

at school在学校,在求学

at work在工作

at table在用餐

at dawn黎明时

初中英语常考介词短语(初中常用英语介词短语)By 开头

by accident偶然

by bike骑自行车

by bus乘公共汽车

by car坐小车

by plane坐飞机

by subway乘坐地铁

by train乘火车

by mistake错误地,无意中

by the light of借助…的光

by the side of在……的旁边/附近

by the way顺便说一下,顺便问一下

by weight按重量

初中英语常考介词短语(初中常用英语介词短语)In 开头

in control of管理,控制

In common共有,共同

in danger处于危险中

in need在危难中,在危急中

in need of需要

in trouble处于困境或苦恼中

in debt欠债,欠账

in detail详细地

in doubt怀疑,不肯定

in fact事实上

in reality事实上,实际上

in fear害怕

in force生效,有效

初中英语常考介词短语(初中常用英语介词短语)Out 开头

out of breath气喘吁吁

out of business失业,破产

out of condition身体不佳

out of control不受控制

out of danger脱离危险

out of date过时

out of fashion不流行,过时

out of debt不欠债

out of mind发狂

out of order出故障

out of question毫无疑问

out of sight看不到


all in all总而言之,总之

all of a sudden突然

all over the world全世界

because of因为

except for除之外

first of all首先

from door to door挨家挨户地

from time to time不时地

instead of代替

next to紧挨着

of course当然

of one' sown属于某人自 己的

off duty下班
