巧记单词 276-281
276 preemptive [priˈɛmptɪv]

释义: 先发制人的,先买权的
助记: pre- 先, empitive 空闲的,比空的还早,是最早
例句: This makes it especially hard for caretakers to act preemptively.这使得看护者很难先发制人,
277 synchronize [ˈsɪŋkrənaɪz]

释义: v.(使)同步,在时间上一致,同速进行
助记: syn 共同 + chron 时间 + ize 使… → 同时发生
例句: That information was then synchronized with a clock in the biosensors the children wore 这些信息与孩子们戴的生物传感器在时间上是同步的。
278 clarity [ˈklærəti]

释义: n.清楚,明晰
助记: 联想 → clear 清晰的
例句: Goodwin hopes to eliminate these fears by providing some clarity of the future.古德温希望通过提供一些未来的清晰信息来消除这些恐惧。
279 sooty [ˈsʊti]

释义: adj.沾满煤烟子的;煤烟子一样黑的;炭黑色的
助记: [ˈsʊti] 音似 ‘扫地’,把煤灰扫走
例句: The front of the fireplace was blackened and sooty 壁炉前面又黑又脏
280 agribusiness [ˈæɡrɪbɪznəs]

释义: 农业综合企业
助记: agr-(Agriculture)农业,business 商业
例句: 见281
281 slash [slæʃ]

释义: "v.(用利器)砍,劈;大幅度削减;大大降低 n.(用刀等)砍,劈;(长而窄的)伤口,切口,砍痕;斜杠;斜线号"
助记: sl- (slice,切片),ash 灰烬,剁成灰烬
例句: Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has pledged to open up the Amazon to agribusiness and mining interests, making it vulnerable to people slashing and burning to clear land.
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