写经验 领红包
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97. without straining oneself 毫不费力

98. thank one's lucky stars 谢天谢地 吉星高照

99. in my weight class 同一重量级

100 mark my words 等着瞧

101. wrestling (basketball) unit 摔跤(篮球)课

102.rethink things 反思

103. out- of- shape 身材不好

104. fell ashamed of oneself 自惭形秽

105.serious exercise equipment 高强度训练器械

106. doing sit-ups 仰卧起坐

107. didn't want to hear it 不吃这套

108. have a nervous breakdown 彻底崩溃

109. be not going to be any help 见死不救

110. take matters into one's own hands 亲自出马

111.made a mistake 犯错误

112. have this one in the bag 高枕无忧

113. piped up 大呼小叫

114. sign up 报名

115. the last thing 最不愿意做的事情

116. be well-rounded 全面发展

117. take one's side 站在谁的一边

118. have a bone to pick with 与……有过节

119. couldn't resist the chance 不肯放过机会

120. embarrass oneself 出洋相

121. stage fright 怯场

122. keep one's mouth shut 默不作声

123. hold over one's head 要挟某人
