写经验 领红包

咬紧牙关是什么短语(咬紧牙关 switch)

Bite the bullet咬紧牙关


&34;( “咬紧牙关”)是一个非正式短语,意思是“做一些不愉快或痛苦的事情,因为它是必要的,即使你想避免它。”例如,you may not want to spend a lot of money on a new car, but if you know yours is beginning to break down a lot, you might have to bite the bullet and buy a new one.(你可能不想花很多钱买一辆新车,但如果你知道你的车开始严重损坏,你可能不得不咬紧牙关买一辆新车。)下面是这个短语如何使用的更多例子。

· Their manager had been putting off the budget meeting but decided to bite the bullet and have the meeting this week.

· 他们的经理一直在推迟预算会议,但还是决定硬着头皮在这个星期开会。

· The kids decided to bite the bullet and clean their rooms so they could go to the park.

· 孩子们决定硬着头皮打扫他们的房间,这样他们就可以去公园了。

· The aging couple decided to bite the bullet and sell their home, and move to a retirement community.

· 这对年迈的夫妇决定咬紧牙关,卖掉他们的房子,搬到一个退休社区去。

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