写经验 领红包



主谓一致巧掌握的成语(主谓一致详细讲解) 主谓语一致巧掌握:


单单复复最常见,集体名词谓用单,如若强调其成员,复数谓语记心间。有些名词谓常复,people , police即这般。主语单数后接介,谓语单数介无关,many a作主语也如此,谓语动词应用单。or.nor but also there be,近主原则挂嘴边。关系代词定从主,谓语根据先行词判。不定式短语、动名词,主语从句谓全单。时间、货币与距离,谓语多单复少见,rest,means,following等,意义决定其复、单。none ,all,half of等, of之宾语定答案。还有分数、百分数,仍据of之宾定复、单。代词all指人谓复数,all指事情谓用单。量词用法请注意,谓语要随量词变。 and连接两名词,身兼两职一定冠,no,each,every后单名,两种事(物)系一概念,以上情况请记清,谓语动词全用单。形容词带the一类人,姓氏复数加定冠,-S结尾的海峡、山脉与群岛,谓语用复勿用单。代词neither, either, each等,用作主语谓全单。下面分别举例子,对号入座请勿乱。

1. A horse is an animal.

2. Those books are mine,

3. Our family is a big one.

4.The family are waching TV now.

5. The police are on the track(追踪)of the criminal.

6. The father with his two sons has gone to Beijing.

7.Many a student has gone to the cinema.

8.Neither you nor l am a worker.

9.Not only you but also l am a worker.

10.He is the only one of the workers that has been invited.

11.He is one of the workers that have been invited.

12.Seeing is believing./To see is to believe.

13.What he says is not important.

14.Five hours is not long.

15 Two hundred yuan a month doesn't leave much for saving.

16.All these means are useful./Every means has been tried.

17.The following are some examples./The following is taken from Book I.

18.All of them are working hard.

19.Half of the book is interesting./Half of the books are interesting.

20.None of his friends have(has)been to Shanghai.

21.Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan.

22.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is sea.

23.All are here./All goes well.

24.A pair of shoes is under the bed.

25.The Party secretary and headmaster is giving a lecture.

26.No teacher! and no student has gone there.

27.Each man and each woman is asked to help.

28.Bread and butter tastes good.

29.Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.

30.The poor need helping./The wounded need to be taken good care of.

31.The Zhangs like playing basketball.

32.The Philippines(菲律宾群岛)lie to the southeast of China.

33.The Alps(阿尔皮斯山脉)are in Europe.

34.Each has his merits(优点).

35.Neither of them is going home.

