写经验 领红包
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The air was fragrant with a thousand trodden aromatic herbs, with fields of lavender...It was the time when lilies blow, and clouds are highest up in air.&34;

- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables


Spring, with its magical green world, its blossoming trees and singing birds, beckoned to all weary souls: take heart, take hope, renew your strength.&34;

- 简·柯克帕特里克,《摇曳的光芒》


[浮云]The sweet scent of blooming flowers filled the air as spring arrived in the small town.

[浮云]With the arrival of spring, the meadows surrounding the farmhouse turned green and lush once again.

[浮云]The gentle breeze and warm sunshine announced the arrival of springtime to the countryside.

[浮云]As the snow melted away, the first signs of spring emerged from the ground, bringing new life to the forest.

[浮云]The birds sang joyfully, announcing the arrival of spring to the sleepy village.

[浮云]The farmers eagerly prepared their fields as the long-awaited spring finally arrived.

[浮云]The sound of buzzing bees and fluttering butterflies could be heard as the first blossoms of spring bloomed.

[浮云]The days grew longer and the weather warmer, signaling the start of another beautiful spring season.

[浮云]The fields and gardens burst into colorful blooms, as springtime once again graced the land.

[浮云]The air was filled with the sound of babbling brooks and chirping crickets, marking the beginning of spring in the valley.

