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7A Unit 5 A trip to space必备知识点


一. 词形变化

1. leave v.动词 --- left 过去式 --- leaving 现在分词 --- left n.左边 (on the left)

2. able adj.能够的 --- ability n.能力---disabled adj.残疾的

3. tie v.系,绑 --- tying 现在分词 --- tie n.领带

4. breathe v.呼吸 --- breath n.呼吸

二. 重点同义词

1. leave离开=go away from

2.have to do sth不得不做某事=must do sth

3.tie sth 拴住=hold two or more things together with a rope

4. breathe呼吸=take in air and send it out of your body

5. nervous紧张的=worried and afraid

6. be able to do sth能够做某事=can do sth

7. without sth没有某物=there is no sth

8. weak虚弱的=not strong

9. work运转=do its job=run

10. more than多于=over

11.ability 能力n.


1. 多于 more than 2. 能够做某事 be able to do sth

3. 不得不做某事 have to do sth 4. 以便 so that

5. 拍照 take photos 6.像…一样 as…as

7. 也就是说 that is 8. 例如 such as

9. 太空之旅 a trip to space 10. 第一批学生中的一个one of the first students

11. 把某人带去某地take sb to sw 12. 迫不及待做某事can't wait to do sth

13. 花某人时间做某事It takes sb st to do sth 14. 到达某地get to sw=arrive in/at sw

15. 在太空中in space 16. 在四周漂浮float around

17. 把某物拴去某地tie sth to sw 18. 在睡觉时in our sleep

19. 没有重力without gravity 20. 变得脆弱get weak

21. 做运动do exercises 22. 在月球上行走walk on the moon

23. 穿宇航服wear a spacesuit 24. 照尽可能多的照片take as many photos as I can

25.把某物还给某人 return sth. to sb.

