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高考英语考纲词汇举例 condition conductor

condition n. [C]条件 [U,C]状况,状态 (常用复)情况,环境,形势:

I found her in excellent condition. 我发现她处于极佳状态。

Living conditions have improved here. 这里的生活条件已得到改善。

【短语】on no condition 绝不

on condition that 如果,以…为条件

【注意】若on no condition位于句首,其后用倒装语序:

On no condition should you tell her about it. 你绝不能把此事告诉她。

conduct v.进行调查/实验/询问:

The company conducted a survey to find out local reaction to the leisure centre.


conductor n.[C]管理人,指导者,(车上的)售票员,列车员;乐队指挥;导体,导线:

She is a bus conductor. 她是公共汽车售票员。

Wood is a poor conductor of sound. 木头是声音的不良导体。

conference n.会议(指很多人参加讨论重要事宜的大型正式会议):

Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Conference in Geneva.


confident a.自信的,有信心的:

He gave her a confident smile.他对她报以自信的微笑。

confirm v.(尤指通过提供更多证据)证实,进一步确定:

The new evidence has confirmed the first witness’s story.


conflict n.抵触,冲突,相左:

She had often come into conflict with her mother-in-law.


confuse v.使困惑;把(某人)弄糊涂:

Don’t give me so much information—you are confusing me!


congratulation n.(常用复)祝贺,庆贺:

Congratulations on your success. 祝贺你取得了成功。

connect v.连接,相通,联想,衔接:

Connect the fridge to the electricity supply. 接通冰箱的电源。

A railway connects Beijing to [with] Shanghai. 北京和上海有铁路连接。

People connect Anshan with steel. 人们提到鞍山就想到钢。


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