1.逼良为娼:force a girl of good family or woman of virtue to engaged in prostitution, force an honest person to do sth dishonest.
2.逼上梁山:have no alternative but to join the Liangshan Marsh rebels—be driven to rebel
3.鼻青脸肿:black and blue
4.比比皆是:be full of
5.比肩继踵:be packed with people, jostle each other in a crowd
6.比例失调:be out of proportion
7.比上不足,比下有余:worse off than some, better off than many;
8.笔下超生:spare a life by a stroke of the brush; refrain from passing a death sentence
9.俾众周知:for the information of all; so as to make it known to everyone
10.俾昼作夜:make the day serve as night; be idle during the day, but busy at night
11.必不可少:necessary, essential
12.必恭必敬:reverent and respectful; extremely deferential
13.必由之路:road or rout that one must take; only way
14.毕恭毕敬:reverent and respectful; extremely deferential
15.毕其功于一役:accomplish the whole task at one stroke
16.闭门锁国:closed-door policy
17.闭关政策:closed-door policy
18.闭关自守:lock the door against the world; self-seclusion; closing the country to external contact
19.闭口不谈:shut up, clam up
20.闭口无言:clam up
21.闭门思过:shut oneself up and ponder over one’s mistakes; do rethinking behind closed doors
22.闭门谢客:lock oneself up
23.闭门造车:make a cart behind closed doors
24.闭目塞听:shut one’s eyes and stop one’s ears—be out of touch with reality
25.闭月羞花;one’s beauty outshines the moon and puts the flowers to shame; be exceedingly beautiful
26.敝帚自珍:love what is one’s own
27.筚路蓝缕:drive a faggot cart in threadbare clothes to reclaim a mountain wilderness-endure great hardships in pioneer work
28.筚门圭窦:a poor family
29.弊多利少:doing more harm than good
30.弊绝风清:have evil practices eliminated and public morals perfected; clean up social morals
31.壁垒森严:strongly fortified
32.避而不答:avoid answering, evade
33.避而不见:avoid meeting
34.避而不谈:avoid, be evasive about
35.避坑落井:dodge a pit only to fall into a well; out of the frying pan into a fire
36.避其锐气,击其惰归:avoid the enemy when he is fresh and full of vigor, and attack him when his exhausted and in retreat
37.避人耳目:avoid being noticed, elude observation
38.避实就虚:steer clear of the enemy’s main strength and strike him where he is weak; avoid the essential and concreate, and deal only with the trivial and abstract
39.避重就轻:avoid the important and dwell on the trivial; keep silent about major charges while admitting minor ones
40.髀肉复生:become flabby in one’s thighs for lack of riding exercise—accomplish nothing in a life of comfort and ease; idle away one’s life