英国国家美术馆(The National Gallery),又称伦敦国家美术馆,成立于1824年,馆藏2300幅,位于英国伦敦市中心特拉法加广场的正北方向。
01雷顿·弗雷德里克勋爵《Lord Leighton Frederic》 An Artist Sketching in the Cloister of S. Gregorio, Venice
02拉巴雷和其他音乐家《 La Barre and Other Musicians》Andre Bouys
03圣母与圣婴《 The Madonna and Child with Saints》Andrea and Raffaello del Brescianino
04埋葬《The Entombment》Andrea Busati
05一个年轻人的肖像《Portrait of a Young Man》Andrea del Sarto
06圣伊丽莎白与施洗者《The Madonna and Child, Saint Elizabeth and the Baptist》Andrea del Sarto
07圣母子与两个天使《The Virgin and Child with Two Angels》Andrea del Verrocchio
08圣母子与两个天使《The Virgin and Child with Two Angels》Andrea del Verrocchio and assistant (Lorenzo di Credi)
09圣母与圣子《The Virgin and Child》Andrea di Aloigi
10圣母子与十圣徒《The Virgin and Child with Ten Saints》Andrea di Bonaiuto da Firenze