写经验 领红包
 > 旅游




1, in theory 在理论上

It works in theory 它在理论上是可行的

2, in time 及时

I will be here in time 我会及时到这里来

3, lay eggs 下单

The hen lays eggs every day 这只母鸡每天都下蛋

4, give birth to 分娩

She gave birth to a son last night 昨晚她生了一个儿子

5, in one's turn 轮到某人

You can speak up your turn 你可以轮着发言

6, prevent 。。。from 阻止

We can prevent him from smoking 我们能阻止他吸烟

7, now what 既然

Now what you have your own decision ,you must work hard 你既然有了自己的决定,你就必须努力工作

8, break out 爆发

The war broke out in 1926 这个战争爆发在1926

9, as gentle as a dove 极温顺

The horse is as gentle as dove 这匹马极其温顺

10, by spaceship 乘坐宇宙飞船

You can get to the moon by spaceship 你可以乘坐宇宙飞船去月球

11, block out 挡住

The pair of sun glasses can block the sun out 这幅太阳眼镜能挡住太阳

12, get the hang of 掌握

He can get the hang of the language 他能掌握这门语言
