写经验 领红包
 > 动物



Unit 4 Don’t eat in class

1. rule n. 规则; 规章

1)game rules 游戏规则 2)school rules 校规

3)traffic rules 交通规则 4)make rules 制定规则

5)follow / break the rules 遵守/违反规则

2. arrive 到达(复习)

arrive in / at = get to = reach 到达某地 (Unit 3 讲过)

eg: 上课不要迟到。 Don&39;t run in the hallways.


Don&39;t listen to music in class.

6. fight 打架 eg:不要打架!Don&39;t eat outside on school days.

8. wear = be dressed in穿着;戴着=put on穿上(动副结构,代词必须放在两个词中间)=dressed sb.给某人穿衣=in + 颜色穿…颜色的衣服 eg: 1)他总是穿条牛仔裤。

He always wears a pair of jeans. = He is always dressed in a pair of jeans.

2)外面冷,穿上你的外套。 It&39;t be noisy.Be quiet, please.

11. go out (1)外出(娱乐) (2)出去

eg. 1)在上学的晚上我们不能外出。We can&39;s go out for a walk.

12. practice v 练习 un 练习

practice sth练习.... practice doing sth练习做...

eg. 1)我经常在早上练习英语。

I often practice my English in the morning.

2)他每天练习弹钢琴。He practices playing the piano every day.

3)弹钢琴需要大量练习。Play the piano needs a lot of practice.

4)熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.

13. dish (1) 盘;碟 (2)一道菜

1)do the dishes = wash the dishes洗餐具

2)a hot dish一道热菜

3)他喜欢凉菜。He likes cold dishes .

14. before (1)介词 在...之前

after 介词 在...以后

eg. 1) before/after dinner晚饭前/后

2)我不得不在十点前睡觉。I have to go to bad before 10:00.

(2)before adv 以前

eg :1).以前我从来没有去过美国。I have never been America before.

15. make one&39;t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!

leave留下;剩下 eg.请不要把垃圾留在教室里。

Please don&39;s stop working and relax for an hour.


After dinner,I can&39;s terrible.

20. strict 严格的;严厉的

be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth 对某事要求严格

eg. 1)我的父母亲对我要求严格。My parents are strict with me.


Our teachers are strict in our homework.


Parents and schools are sometimes strict,but remember they make rules to help us.

21. remember记住;记起;记得

remember to do记住做... remember doing记得曾做过....


Please remember to close the window when you leave.

2)我记得在这个城市见过他。I remember seeing her in the city.
