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“熟记英语300句 中考英语无忧虑”讲练(141)讲义文本

熟记英语300句 中考英语无忧虑


主题句 I&34;学习,学会&34;得知,认识到&34;学习、学会做某事&34;向……学习&34;了解;学到(知识等)&39;m not interested in driving at all.

A. drive B. drives C. drove D. to drive

2. We must ask children to how to release the pressure.

A. show B. tell C. learn D. meet

3. We should those heroes like Lei Feng. They are really examples for us.

A. learn B. learn from C. learn about D. learn by

4. We can a lot of knowledge not only books but also our teachers.

A. ask; for B. ask; about C. learn; from D. learn; about

5. I want English because I can western culture and life.

A. learn; learn about B. to learn; learn about

C. learn about; learn D. to learn about; learn


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