写经验 领红包
 > 教育



139教孩子表达 “我想去游乐场玩”

I want to play on the playground.

140游乐场里有滑梯,少不了玩这个, “我们去玩滑梯吧”

Let’s go down the slide.

141孩子很喜欢从滑梯溜的一面走上去, “你不可以从溜的一面走上去”

You should not walk up the slide.

142攀爬也是高手, “不要爬太高”

Don’t climb up too high.

143男孩子好像不怎么喜欢玩跷跷板, “我们去玩跷跷板”

Let’s get on the seesaw.

144荡秋千比较喜欢, “你想荡秋千吗”

Do you want to swing?

145孩子想飞的更高,教他表达 “用力推我”

Push me harder.

146安全起见,妈妈要说一句 “抓紧了,要飞更高了哦”

Hold on! It’s going higher.

147配合孩子的笑声, “我的宝贝飞的天上了”

My boy’s going up to the sky.

148玩够了,孩子要停下,教他说 “可以帮我停下秋千吗?我想下来”

Can you stop the swing? I want to get off.

149既然下来了, “我们回家吧”

Now let’s go back home.

150通常要说, “你看,周围都没人了,大家都回去了”

Look around. Nobody’s here anymore. The other children must go back home already.
