写经验 领红包
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1,fall asleep 入睡

I can’t fall asleep easily 我不能很容易的入睡

2,fight against 与。。。斗争 I must fight against you 我必须与你斗争

3,fight for 为。。。斗争 I must fight for my right 我必须为我的权利斗争

4,die of (死于内因),He died of some disease 他死于某种疾病

5,die from (死于外因)He died from hunger 他死于饥饿

6,in silence 沉默, He sat there in silence 他安静的坐在那里

7,go off 离开 It’s time to go off 到该离开的时候了

8,go by 经过Times goes by 时光飞逝

9,go away 走开, Please go away 请滚开

10,go over 检查,I go over my paper 我检查我的试卷

11,in a hurry 匆忙 He comes here in a hurry 他匆忙的来这里

12,in fact 事实上,In fact ,he is a good man 事实上,他是一个好男人

13,in person 亲自 I can help you in person 我能亲自帮助你

14,fall asleep 入睡。 I fall asleep so easily 我很容易入睡

15,get to sleep 入睡。I get to sleep easily 我很容易入睡

16,go to sleep 睡觉=go to bed I can go to sleep =I can go to bed 我能去睡觉了

17,rise升起, The sun rises every morning 太阳每天上午都升起

18,raise 举起,筹集,I can raise money for you 我能为你筹集钱。I can raise you up 我能举起你
