写经验 领红包
 > 美食


1.We gave the guests a red carpet welcome.我们致以嘉宾隆重的欢迎!

2.When I see a man ill-treating a child,I

see red.当我看到有人虐待儿童,我就很愤怒。

3.When I mentioned it to her,she went


4.red alert (空袭,风暴等) 紧急警报

5.a red letter day 喜庆的日子

6.paint the town red 指人们因喜庆而去狂欢

7.The policenan caught the thief red handed. 警察当场抓住了那个小偷。

8.in red 穿红色衣服

9.in the red 亏损

10.Jim is very green. 吉姆很幼稚。

11.She was green with envy .


12.He has a green finger.他是园艺能手。

13.He is a green hand .他是个新手。

14.I&39;t study harder,she will get in her mother&39;t believe it unless I see it in black and white.除非我白纸黑字的看到,否则我不会相信。

33.You can never believe what he says,

because he will swear black is white.


34.paint sb black 说某人的坏话

35.I left him in a brown study thinking over the question.我让他深思这个问题。

36.do it up brown 做到尽善尽美

37.He is in pink.他的健康极佳。

38.yellow alert 预备警报

39.grey collar worker 服务行业人员

40 in the black 盈余
