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Generation Gap between Parents and Children




As the society is changing rapidly, communication between different age groups becomes a key issue. However, as we all know, communication between parents and children can be quite challenging sometimes, even when both parties speak the same language. This report discusses the causes of the generation gap between parents and children, the differences in values, interests, and behaviours, as well as some practical suggestions to narrow the gap.

Causes of the Generation Gap

One of the main causes of the generation gap is the difference in education. Parents grew up in a different time and environment, and their values and beliefs are likely to differ from those of their children. Some parents may hold traditional ideas and principles, while their children are more progressive and liberal-minded. This can result in a lack of understanding or even conflict.

Another cause is the difference in exposure. Today's children are exposed to various forms of media, including social networks, that were unavailable to their parents. This can lead to a gap in interests and behaviours since today's children are more likely to be influenced by new trends and pop culture.

Differences in Values

The generation gap manifests itself in many ways, such as differences in values. For example, the younger generation may value independence and self-expression more than their parents, who may value obedience and discipline. This can cause disagreements and conflicts over issues such as career choices, personal relationships, and lifestyle habits.

Differences in Interests

Parents may have different interests and hobbies from their children. For example, parents may prefer to read traditional literature, while their children choose to immerse themselves in computer games and online activities. This can result in a lack of mutual understanding and can even cause tension in the relationship.

Differences in Behaviours

Differences in behaviours can become an issue when one party feels that the other is not behaving appropriately. For example, children may feel that their parents are too strict or outdated, while parents may feel that their children are too rebellious or irresponsible. This can lead to arguments and misunderstandings.

Practical Suggestions to Bridge the Gap

To bridge the gap between parents and children, both sides should make efforts to come to a mutual understanding. Some practical suggestions include:

1) Communication: Parents and children should communicate frequently. They should exchange ideas, listen to each other and express their feelings without being judgmental.

2) Respect: Both parties should show respect for each other's opinions and beliefs. They should try to see things from each other's perspectives and be willing to compromise.

3) Shared interests: Finding common interests can help to bring parents and children closer together. For example, both parties can plan activities that they can enjoy together, such as cooking, swimming or travelling.


To sum up, the generation gap between parents and children is a common issue that can be caused by differences in education, values, interests and behaviours. However, with communication, respect and shared interests, both parties can overcome the gap and maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

Keywords: generation gap, education, values, interests, behaviours, communication, respect, shared interests.