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Generation Gap between Parents and Children



Generational differences are normal and have always existed. They represent the characteristics, beliefs, and values of a certain period and they can cause a gap between generations. In almost every culture, there is a common phenomenon of parents and children having different perspectives, which is commonly called a generation gap. As the society develops, it is obvious that more and more parents and children face this problem.

Different Educational Backgrounds

One of the most common reasons for the generation gap between parents and children is their different educational backgrounds. The way parents were brought up was much more conservative than the way children are being brought up nowadays. Parents tend to be more traditional and strict, while children tend to be more liberal and open-minded. Thus, communication between them can be challenging, as they often have a different set of values and beliefs.

Social Media and Technology

With the rapid development of technology, social media has become an essential part of our lives. However, it can also create a gap between parents and children. Most of the younger generation grew up with it and don’t see it as a threat. However, parents who didn’t grow up with it are often skeptical and don’t understand the advantages of it. This often leads to misunderstandings and arguments.

Different Perception of Life

The different perception of life is another crucial reason for the generation gap between parents and children. For parents, success might mean having a stable job, a good income, and providing for their family, while children might want to pursue their dreams no matter how uncertain they might seem. Thus, parents might see their child's decisions as risky and irresponsible, while children might see their parents' decisions as dull and boring.


To conclude, the generation gap is a common phenomenon that has existed for ages and can be caused by various factors. Different educational backgrounds, social media and technology, and different perceptions of life are a few of them. It is essential that both, parents and children, try to understand each other's perspectives and communicate effectively to overcome the gap. Only then can they create a harmonious relationship that will serve them both well.

Keywords: generational differences, communication, education, social media.