写经验 领红包

初中宾语从句练习题 快来这里学习下


一excuse me,could you tell me__________?

—there's a bank on the second floor.you can make it there.[黄冈市]

a. where i can change money b. how i can get to the bank

c. if there's a bank near here d. where the bank is



—do you know _______now?

一in the people's hotel.[北京市]

a. where is tom working b. where did tom work

c. where tom is working d. where tom worked


3、情态动词could / would用于“请求”,表示委婉、客气的语气时,从句时态不受主句的约束。

excuse me, could you tell me when __the new olympic center?

a. are we visited b. will we visit c. we are visited d. we will visit

[答案]d。 [解析]考查宾语从句的用法。从句要用陈述句语序,而且时态要与主句一致。从句意看本句不能用被动语态,故排除a、c。本题考查的是以when引导的宾语从句。b没用陈述句语序,故排除,此处could只表委婉的语气,并不表过去。